March 3, 2021
Visitors new to Chirolife Hobart may ask why X-rays are required and why they are an important tool for chiropractors.
At Chirolife, we have our own X-ray facilities on site, which allows us to provide a prompt chiropractic diagnosis and treatment.
X-rays act as a blueprint of your spine and will reveal any abnormal spinal alignment. They allow us to see how an individual spine deviates from normal alignment, so that we may decide on an appropriate chiropractic treatment plan for you.
X-rays are taken by your Chirolife Chiropractor if clinically indicated and can be helpful in diagnosis.
Digital X-ray is a technology that allows X-ray images to be instantly recorded onto a computer screen, which makes film developing obsolete. Other benefits of digital X-ray include image detail that is crystal clear and exposure times that are reduced massively.
X-rays, if necessary, can also form an essential part of chiropractic diagnosis.